Thalia Strates | A Luxury to be Lived In


Thalia’s bags are designed to be timeless- you don’t change it out with your outfit, you live your life and it accompanies you.

With longevity, sustainability and craftsmanship at the forefront of the brands’s identity, it’s no surprise that the bags are designed to showcase the materials. Strates says she isn’t interested in leathers so over processed that they look artificial. Instead, her designs highlight the wear that comes with being a wardrobe staple.

Thalia Strates bags toe the line between timelessness and a statement piece.

Though you may be drawn in by the entrancing textures of the exotic materials, a Thalia Strates piece is not the It Bag du jour. They are not bags you change with your outfits. They are bags to accompany you as you move through your life. They are a luxury to be lived in.


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